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To support this year's fundraising efforts, students who donate $4 on January 18th will earn a Dress Down Day.  Each class that participates 80s Dress Down Day with $400 or more will earn another Dress Down Day on February 8th.

If you have a small business and would like to support the ball, this is an option for recognition that will be visible at the event.  Each donation by a business to a specific class will go towards the $400 for a class and help to earn a Dress Down Day on February 8th.  

You can specify the donation amount below.  If you are choosing to pay $4 for your child's Dress Down Day, please include the student's name below.  For a business donation, please indicate the Business Name and if there is a specific class to support with the donation.

Back to the 80's Winter Ball
Saturday, February 4, 2023
No Packages in Catalog 80s Dress Down Day
80s Dress Down Day